01.13 – 01.19
Sun Jan 19 2025 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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01.13 – 01.19

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Went for pizza with Caroline, Alex, and Luc on Tuesday evening. The kids were great, but buggered beyond recognition by the time we got home. Nice to see Caroline.

Ηη started football club after school on Wednesday. He told us that he’d scored a goal, and when asked ‘who is the best at football in your class’ announced ‘I think I am’ without missing a beat. Certainly the right attitude for a successful sportsperson even if he is unmistakably dogshit at the sport in question. I’m just glad he didn’t immediately hate it.

Σσ got him an appointment with the doc after footy to see if they had any more suggestions about stopping him soiling himself. On the one hand, he couldn’t feel anything obvious in Ηη’s stomach or intestines which is a relief, but sounds like he was decidedly unhelpful after that, spitballing theories which, under the slightest shred of scrutiny, are clearly bullshit (‘he’s doing it for attention because he has a little sister’). Anyway, we’ve got loads more laxatives and we’re precisely no further forward.

Αα was sick in her cot on Thursday morning. This may well have been avoided if we hadn’t refused to go and pick her up while she’d been whining for the previous hour (an attempt to get her to observe what we consider the minimum-reasonable-getting-up-time). Obviously we immediately felt pretty bad about that and we both stayed home to look after her (ultimately she was fine and we all had a nice time hanging out for the most part).

We scooped up Ηη from school on Friday and hot-footed it straight to King’s Cross for a train to Bev. Spent a (mostly) pleasant weekend with the cousins, aunties, and uncles. Endured c. 100 emotions/second from Ηη but that’s not too far outside his normal operating rate. Em and Tom are clearly having a rough ride with their kids while Jim and Ange are away. And who knows what’s going on with Kat. She seems stuck and I can only hope she manages to find a way through whatever she’s feeling.

I’ve got a Canon P coming in the post. I’m slightly embarrassed and ashamed of my new obsession, but it’s a relatively safe and victimless mid-life crisis (if that’s what it is).


I made an accordion using the details disclosure element and some hot-off-the-press css that lets you animate from height: 0 to height: auto. Had some fun times getting to the bottom of some screen reader weirdness too.

While sitting with a couple of colleagues trying to work out why the screen reader wasn’t announcing what we expected it to I got an email from Ηη’s school telling me that he’d shat himself. Obviously the screen reader read it out. It was tragi-comic.

I wrote some objectives. They are largely a rehash of what I said they would be last time. I think one of them might even predate the pandemic.



  • Tuesday hills
  • Thursday hills
  • Sunday Hudson Way, Cherry/Bishop Burton, Coldharbour Lane loop