12.23 – 12.29
Sun Dec 29 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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12.23 – 12.29

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We stayed in London because we’re all sick. This was obviously quite a painful decision for Σσ to land on but while it wasn’t the Christmas anyone would have planned it was honestly among the best I’ve ever had. For starters it was the least bad getting-the-kids-to-bed-on-Christmas-Eve ever. We didn’t eat to excess. We only drank a bit too much. We didn’t do any performative arguing. The kids were just the right side of overexcited.

Ηη and Αα seemed mostly delighted with their presents (maybe Αα would have been happier with more of Ηη’s presents, but I think that’s always going to be true by dint of the fact that they’re his and she wants everything that he has – not sure how to solve that one).

We went to watch Σσ take a dip in the reservoir on Christmas morning. Turns out there were lots of similarly unhinged folk with the same idea (I think I’d probably expected her to be there on her own).

It sounds like Ange knocked it out of the park feeding everyone plus extra surprise guests in the hospital in Glasgow. I get the impression it wasn’t too depressing for everyone and Aila has been doing well for the most part.

Ηη announced he wanted to go back to school on Boxing Day. I can’t work out if this is good (he loves school) or a damning indictment of our parenting.

Αα stayed in her cot the whole night for the first time in c. two months. We then forced her to do this again the next night. It resulted in a blood-curdling amount of screaming (which we wouldn’t have persisted with had we not known the neighbours were away) and very little sleep for me and Σσ (Ηη somehow, thank fuck, managed to sleep through the whole protracted ordeal), but the night after that was a miracle where everyone stayed in bed until 7:30. I really really really hope this will happen again. Even just once would be nice.

Ηη shitting himself news

We’ve put him back on the laxatives because he’s been worse than ever. This has resulted in a lot of extra ‘presents’. Outside school time feels like the best time to try and sort it though, and since he’s going to be shitting himself anyway we might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.


  • Christmas Eve hills
  • Boxing Day hills
  • Saturday Finsbo Parkrun
  • Sunday 5 (3 big, 2 small) x Swain’s