- title
- 12.16 – 12.22
- date
- Sun Dec 22 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- updatedAt
- 2024-12-26T09:03:29+00:00
- tags
- note
{{ title }}12.16 – 12.22
{{ date | formatDate }}
{% for tag in tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
Caught up with old We Are Friday pals on Tuesday (something Siri struggled with). We discussed:
- Bobby Fingers
- Sløtface (not to be confused with Skatebård) and The Flaming Lips
- The London Marathon
- Passing up perfectly good opportunities to moon the king and Tim Apple
- RxJS/observables
- React, Preact, NextJS
- Elixir and Phoenix
- LiveView flappy bird
- Eleventy
- Quarterback and my burgeoning and largely unexplained interest in NFL
- Severance (is season two destined to be a disappointment?)
- Ted Lasso
- Detectorists
- Chris Garrett
- paintpad.app, rcpz.me, mela.recipes
- Quantum computing and web security
- Assorted AI bullshit plus using copilot to volunteer an api key
Went to Ηη’s first Christmas show. His class did a very cute rendition of Jingle Bell Rock (among my least favourite of the Christmas tunes but I’ve had to make my peace with it to preserve my sanity now I’ve listened to it c. 2000 times). I cried laughing at some truly abysmal recorder playing. We sat through an hour and a half of the whole school year-by-year telling the story of the nativity. Getting primary school children to act it out really shines a light on what a batshit crazy story it is (if more light were needed). Fun though. Even Αα made it through the whole thing (although at one point she got bored and went to cuddle someone else’s dad).
Ηη finished his first term on Friday. I’m so proud of him. He’s next level exhausted – he asked to go to bed one night, and stayed in bed past 7am two consecutive mornings. Neither of these things have ever happened before.
Unfortunately Αα’s health is still fairly crap which continues to manifest itself in her being in bed with us every night and generally causing havoc/preventing sleep.
I think we’re all sick with whatever she’s got now, so maybe that will level the playing field?
We took the kids to see the Christmas lights at King’s Cross and went for Pizza with the Pope’s afterwards. Mark kept up an impressive sulk for the duration and Heather did her best to convince Ηη that Santa wasn’t real but it was otherwise pretty lovely.
Phillipe the mouse (almost certainly many Phillipes the mice) has(/have) taken up residence in the flat.
Firebreak week which I’d earmarked for figuring out if we could replace Popper (now Floating UI) with a couple of web platform apis. I think the short answer is not yet if you want to support anything apart from Chrome. Hopefully one day soon though – it’s wild how much is possible without JS these days. It took me about half a day to draw that conclusion so I spent the rest of the week learning about service workers. So far I’ve learned they’re fiddly af.
- Tuesday hills
- Thursday hills
- Saturday Finsbo Parkrun
- Sunday Camden Horrid Hill loop