05.13 – 05.19
Sun May 19 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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05.13 – 05.19

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Thursday evening rolled around. I was just settling in for a relaxing weekend with the kids (ha!) then Bae mentions that she’s putting herself forward to be the Labour candidate for Islington North.

Since then I’ve been scrambling to put together a website and a leaflet to be ready in the event she gets shortlisted.

It’s all a bit mad, exciting, and mildly terrifying. She would be excellent. She is excellent. And if it doesn’t work out this time round, it will at least have been good(?) to have a first taste of the potential mayhem.

Niamh came to stay for the weekend (and beyond) and put in a Herculean stint as child-minder-cum-content-strategist.

Sorry to have missed the Hackney Half but hope Andy P will forgive me in the circumstances.


Playing catch-up on my colleague’s excellent design systems discovery work. Feeling a bit guilty about not having done more.


  • Tuesday Hills
  • Thursday Marshes
  • Sunday Hills