03.25 – 03.31
Sun Mar 31 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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03.25 – 03.31

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I can’t remember what has happened. I think it was largely survival. It certainly wasn’t sleep. The creases beneath my eyes have started to ooze a faintly bloody slough and the skin’s taken on the texture and appearance of bible paper. We trod water until the weekend then fled for refuge at Gangan and Baba’s.

Little man has scored an insane amount of chocolate eggs. A week of larger-than-average tantrums awaits. I’m tempted to let him get piled in until he makes himself sick on the off-chance it puts him off long-term. I’m not sure it’s a strategy that’s going to wash with bae (and his track record suggests he has the temperament of a labrador that would sooner repeatedly eat himself sick than learn any lessons).


Took part in my first ever ‘Firebreak’ week. I have an almost allergic reaction to anything approaching a hackathon and I’d been mildly concerned in the run-up as I saw this looming in my calendar, but the reality was very pleasant. There was no pressure to achieve anything of substance or build anything or demo anything or impress anyone. For my part, I took some courses about Docker and AWS with a view to incorporating what I learned in my objectives for the year. It came at the perfect time because my capacity for autonomous thought and problem solving was severely impaired by my children’s sleep-abhorrence and a week of regular work would have been a disaster. I think I now have a very basic grounding in Docker, IAM, Route 53, S3, and CloudFront.

Hugely grateful to Gareth for fixing the plethora of weird Prismic Slice Machine build issues we were having.




  • Tuesday Hills
  • Wednesday Regent’s
  • Thursday Marshes
  • Friday Hills

Still off watch. Slightly more deliberately. Definitely getting slower.

Massive teddy leaning over a wall into some bins Massive teddy leaning over a wall into some bins
First casualty of the bank holiday spotted on Friday’s hills