06.12 – 06.18
Sun Jun 18 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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06.12 – 06.18

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We came up with a straightforward direction for dealing with inter-component styles that feels like it might have legs.

We concluded that it doesn’t matter how well we think we’ve locked down what should be possible within a component for use in the CMS, the content team will find weird and wonderful ways to abuse it.

The site came down as a result of the NextJS app querying for CMS fields that had been removed in remodelling. This has happened before and the fact that it can happen certainly makes me hesitant when changing the content model. We had an incident retro, and I’m hoping this time I’ll finally remember where all the foot-guns are stashed. Hopefully we’ll figure out how to tighten the mesh on the various safety nets we have in place too.


There’s a growing body evidence suggesting our children are solar-powered. Little man routinely demanding his first of three breakfasts at 04:30 and refusing to sleep until 23:00. Baby girl still robustly abhors sleep at night.

Little man got nits. We all got nits. Seems like that’s going to dominate the next several years of our lives. Quite an emotional evening spent trying/failing to comb them out of his preposterously tangled and matted hair.

Had a CT scan. If you have to go to hospital, going for a CT scan is among the more pleasant hospital experiences. I was in and out within half an hour and the sensation from the radioactive dye injection was faintly reminiscent of very weak poppers. Results in two weeks.

Niamh stayed in the week and Bae’s parents stayed at the weekend. Lots of help holding baby girl and chasing the little man round various playgrounds. I even got to sleep in the sun for a blissful hour.

Logistics meant baby girl had to be bottle fed (by me) on Saturday for the first time. She gave the bottle a very vocal one star review. I think we’ll both be dealing with the trauma for a while.

It is hot and I’m here for it, always-on solar-powered children notwithstanding. All the heat haters can step off (and better believe it’ll likely get another 10°C hotter before summer’s out).

Ten days cold turkey from caffeine and I feel ok. Not sleeping any better mind.


I decided I have to commit to drawing in a sketchbook instead of loose printer paper. Haven’t quite managed to hold myself to it yet, but it’s a process.

Blue biro sketch of an onion plushy toy Blue biro sketch of an onion plushy toy
Unionion the union onion, mascot for the Japanese Trade Union Confederation. Don’t have nightmares




Tuesday to Ally Pally which was almost pleasant in the sun – very hard not to feel calmed by Highgate Wood. Hills on Thursday and still felt like there was negative progress on the fitness front, but there were the briefest glimpses of genuine enjoyment running 3 x Swain’s Lane in the Saturday evening sunshine. I’d love it if my form was turning a corner.