09.16 – 09.22
Sun Sep 22 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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09.16 – 09.22

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Ηη started at school and seems to be settling in ok – definitely much better than we feared (with just cause given his absolutely dog-shit record at nursery drop-off pretty much throughout). We shed a little tear once he was out of sight on day one – he’s so grown up/he’s so little.

I was worried about leaving him too late in an after school club but he basically sent me away because he was having too much fun. Which is ideal I suppose.

Can’t get much about the school day out of him – I understand this is pretty much par for the course.

He’s fundamentally done in at the end of each day and cumulatively through the week to the extent that his brain overloads and he starts talking pure gibberish before bed.

Aila had to be re-intubated and sedated which is obviously shit. It’s hard to ascertain the extent of how bad it is, but we’re fairly sure her situation is improving again. Not back to square one, but definitely a bit of a crash back down to earth and a realisation it’s not going to be a meteoric overnight recovery. Σσ went back to Glasgow at the weekend to be with them all.


I got to speak about the exhibition guides UI work in a Show & Tell meeting. I found I was reassuringly proud of what we’d done and I didn’t find myself feeling too unnerved by speaking about it, which was a relatively novel sensation.

Chrome broke our website.


  • Tuesday track (bit of a shock to the system)
  • Thursday hills
  • Saturday Ally Pally