09.09 – 09.15
Sun Sep 15 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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09.09 – 09.15

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We spent Monday on a train for Σσ’s 40th. Not the day she’d envisaged, but it wasn’t too bad.

Aila’s made some remarkable progress this week – sounds like even some of the medical staff were genuinely shocked by how much she’s improved. She’s still a very poorly baby, but she’s been extubated and conscious, making the first sounds anyone’s heard from her in a month, playing peek-a-boo and generally being her wee self with Johnny, Dani, Jim and Ange. The world feels a shade lighter.

Took Ηη to the Science and Natural History museums on Tuesday. He didn’t seem to care much for the objectively impressive rockets and assorted space paraphernalia, but went fucking nuts for a thing where you tried to roll a tiny ball into a hole to trigger some beehive sound effects ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also I was delighted to discover that he genuinely doesn’t appear to give a shit about dinosaurs. In fact I think he actively dislikes them which is even better. He was pretty fascinated by all the mammals though – I don’t think I’d have predicted this and it made me quite happy.

We hit up the Transport museum on Thursday which took my museums total to five in six days – a record I hope I’m not forced to contest for quite some time.

Last ever ‘daddy Friday’ for Ηη. We spent it trying not to get into massive fights with each other. He’s looooong overdue starting at school, for everyone’s sanity.

But still, he’s starting school tomorrow!? I’m really struggling with it for so many reasons, not least of all my laughably useless grasp of the passage of time – like sand through my fingers. I hope he takes to it better than he ever did to nursery. History tells me I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

Αα continues to be an absolute hoot.


We had a team away day at the Docklands museum (no. four of the five). Looking around the museum was especially pleasant since I was allowed to spend the time looking at what I wanted to without having to chase a feral child around. The meat and potatoes business of the day was pretty good too. I feel pretty lucky to work with the people I do, doing the work we do.



  • Tuesday hills
  • Thursday hills
  • Saturday parkrun – (nice to use a different gear, didn’t kill myself, a lot of room for improvement)
  • Sunday LSR – scrumped an apple in central London on my long solo 5k home and it was among the most delicious things I’ve ever tasted