08.19 – 08.25
Sun Aug 25 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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08.19 – 08.25

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Σσ was with Ailita in Glasgow for the week. They discovered it was MRSA that had got into her lungs. I felt sick worrying that she’d caught it from me somehow (Catriona assured me it definitely wasn’t my fault).

The week is mostly a blur of trying to comprehend all the ridiculous news about Aila. Her heart had stopped for 15 minutes while they did CPR. They were worried that she might have had a stroke as a result, but a scan showed (oh thank fuck) that her brain was ok. They thought they were going to have to operate on her leg because it was so badly swollen with fluid. There was a strong chance she was going to need a liver transplant. Her kidneys are fucked. All her numbers are off the charts. She’s 18 months old. It doesn’t make any sense. I want to scream all the time. Don’t get me started on this ‘God’ character everyone seems to hold in such high esteem.

Catriona, as well as talking me down from my guilt, also acted as our medical interpreter telling us what all the numbers we were being told might mean. And she sent me a massive frozen food care package to assist with dadding. She’s a rock – at the very top of The Best People list.

Σσ semi-insisted I got Si and Lou (also The Best People headliners) to keep me company one night after the kids had gone to bed. They brought chilli and booze and helped me feel slightly normal.

On Friday morning Ηη and Αα had an epic session at the new(ish) Clissold soft play with one of Ηη’s pals. That afternoon they had a disaster of a play date with the same pal that ended with Ηη basically telling everyone to fuck off.


Σσ came home for the weekend – I think everyone got some much-needed semi-normality. And a picnic up at Si and Lou’s on Sunday was a very pleasant few hours of diversion.


Not much.


  • Monday hills
  • Tuesday marshes
  • Thursday hills
  • Sunday Heath and Ally Pally