08.05 – 08.11
Sun Aug 11 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

{{ title }}
08.05 – 08.11

{{ date | formatDate }}
{% for tag in tags %}
  {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}


We got a message from nursery asking us to pick up the kids early because the far-right were rumoured to be planning something in the area. That left me feeling pretty cold. Mercifully nothing materialised and those pricks (fascists, not nursery staff) seem to have crawled back under their rocks for now.

Ηη was quite poorly in the week but miraculously managed to get all of his (quite dramatic) number twos on target. Think he might be turning a corner (admittedly not the first time I’ve had that thought in the last twelve months).

Decided to drive up to Beverley on Thursday evening, reasoning that the kids would be so tired they’d sleep all the way. This didn’t happen and it was an absolute shit-show of a journey.

Still, we made it, and had a lovely weekend with all the uncles, aunties, nephews and nieces in attendance.

What am I going to do now the olympics has ended? I’ll figure something out. A lot of anti-American sentiment from the Yorkshire crew: “Lyles isn’t humble enough” – he’s the fastest person on the shitting planet! I don’t think they’d have minded if there was a Team GB[&NI] athlete who’d won and didn’t hit their arbitrary humbleness metrics. I called them out (but I don’t think I won anyone round to my way of thinking).


Made some UI for the first time in a while. Started to think about maybe using container queries in real life.


  • Tuesday hills
  • Wednesday Regent’s/Primrose hill
  • Thursday Marshes
  • Saturday Bev big loop
  • Sunday Bev little loop