07.08 – 07.14
Sun Jul 14 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

{{ title }}
07.08 – 07.14

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  {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}


I traded in a 27mm lens (a bit too middle-of-the-road focal-length) for a manual 23mm – I’m fairly sure I’m now going to get off the camera gear merry-go-round for a good spell (with the possible exception of one of these straps).

We visited the little man’s school and met his teachers. It all seemed lovely, and he didn’t want to leave, to the extent that he wailed outside wanting to be let back in (primarily because he’d been given sole use of the playground and toys for the duration, but still). I think he’s going to be good there even though all of his pals are going elsewhere.

Baby girl stayed in bed until 7am one morning which we were initially delighted about. Should have known that it was a precursor to illness and I ended up having to stay home with her for the day. She was a remarkably good patient and I didn’t mind at all that I didn’t get to go to work.

Bae went to see Kylie play Hyde Park on Saturday (yes I’m jealous af).

I enjoyed all the football.

America continues to get madder.


Updated most of our NodeJS stuff from 16 to the LTS (20) and in a rare break with tradition almost nothing broke, which felt a bit weird.


  • Tuesday hills
  • Friday hills
  • Sunday Hackney loop