06.03 – 06.09
Sun Jun 09 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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06.03 – 06.09

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On leaving nursery in a flap on Wednesday I forgot to strap baby girl into the buggy and tipped her out face first onto the pavement. Thankfully she escaped with just a scrape. Top dadding.

Bae set off before breakfast for a conference in Glasgow on Friday and didn’t return until after the kids were in bed. They were pretty good for me all day tbh – I definitely expected it to be much harder work.

Departed Luton for Tuscany on Saturday for a holiday with Si and Lou (the last time we’ll be able to go outwith school holidays and, consequently, the last time we’ll have the chance to be on holiday with these guys for about 15 years).

Baby girl was dramatically sick on the plane, largely into Bae’s face. She hated it so much she outright refused to be sick in the car even though she clearly needed to be. Little man would have just avoided being sick in the hire car had we driven to the right place instead of to the top of a hill in the wrong town. I scrunched the too-big car down the too-small lane back down the hill. I ultimately didn’t feel too bad about it since I’d asked for a smaller car than the tank we were forced to take and they’d forced me into taking out fully comp insurance – at least I’ll get my money’s worth out of it.

Little man inevitably puked on the final 20 minute leg of the journey to the frankly idyllic house. I hadn’t realised that all of Tuscany apparently looks like a painting.

Some of Si’s family live nearby and they came round on Sunday for a barbecue and excessive drinking, all of which was very pleasant.


Just about managed to do something useful for the design system MVP. Stretching the definition of ‘minimum’ but we’ve got a flow that allows designers to create token in Figma and sync them to GitHub, an npm package built from the resulting json that exports the tokens as a js object, and a branch of the wellcomecollection.org repo which imports that package and uses the spacing values.

Did an anti-ableism module of the Social Justice Curriculum. It was a lot.


  • Think Like a Street Photographer by Matt Stuart – such an incredible body of work, especially since it’s all film. Heartened to read he takes pictures all day every day and ends up with only about 10 of what he considers to be ‘keepers’ a year


  • Tuesday hills
  • Thursday marshes

Right achilles playing up. Never not something wrong with my right lower leg ¯_(ツ)_/¯