04.29 – 05.05
Sun May 05 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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04.29 – 05.05

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Late to press because I was having too much fun in the Lake District with Glasgow University pals on the bank holiday weekend. It was excellent, the nine hour drive and the fairly crap weather notwithstanding.

I was really aware how much easier it was this year than the previous two (especially last year when baby girl was brand new). Little man bollocked about entertaining himself (and others) for decent stretches, and baby girl was friendly with everyone – nursery has deffo helped bring her out of her shell.

Drank powerful cocktails because it’s apparently Bruce’s new hobby. Did a quiz (Katherine and Maeve’s old hobby). Did half a ‘treasure’ hunt (it was doomed to end in mild disappointment for the little man from the off). Just about survived some running up hills with Don. Took lots of snaps. Ate excellent food served up by Si and Lou.


Dry ran the Prismic changes and concluded it was sort of working just about enough to go for it for real next week.


  • Slow Horses – hugely disappointing
