04.22 – 04.28
Sun Apr 28 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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04.22 – 04.28

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Spoke to our architect about ‘Stage 02’ and sounds like we might have to start making actual decisions any day now. Somehow still feels like it’s never going to happen though.

I’ve generally been feeling a bit blue. Not doing much exercise and drinking a bit much almost certainly not helping.

Little man’s routine pant-shitting continues to be a source of considerable stress.

On the plus side, everyone slept until 6am on Tuesday – possibly the first time we’ve had eight hours straight in over four years.

And baby girl is so so close to walking (fairly sure she’ll crack it next week). It’s hilarious/lovely how proud of it she is. She also has a cough so manky I’m slightly worried it’s in the same league as the one that put her in hospital.


Seemingly pretty simple things have had me roundly stumped for a while, playing right into the hands of my old pal imposter syndrome.

Prismic work limps on, but actually getting it over the line feels as elusive as getting the flat renovated.

A colleague announced their imminent departure to become an organiser for Prospect union. I’m delighted for them because they’re obviously excellent with union matters. I’m gutted for us because they’ve been obviously excellent with everything they’ve done at Wellcome.


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  • Sunday 5 x Swain’s

Going to try to get back to it properly next week.