04.15 – 04.21
Sun Apr 21 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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04.15 – 04.21

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I’ve just spent three days at a 40th birthday in Center Parcs (stupid spelling). Never been before and was curious because I’d heard mixed reports. Now I’m ready to file my own: it’s some fresh dystopian hell.

We saw lots of old friends though, and can’t deny we had a lovely time in spite of the venue. Kids obviously loved it (that’s the problem).

I’ve been taking a lot of pictures. Still not convinced I’ve got my gear acquisition syndrome in check (lusting after an x-pro 3), but having fun with manual focus. It strikes me that slightly-out-of-focus shots evoke quite a nostalgia because they’re pretty unusual with an autofocus lens (my new excuse for not having nailed focus).


Didn’t quite get the design system enthusiasm I was hoping for, but plodded along, trying to understand what might be feasible with Figma (while trying/failing not to solutionise too much).


  • A few laps of Center Parcs on Sunday

I didn’t feel awful and I enjoyed being out on a trail.