02.19 – 02.25
Sun Feb 25 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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02.19 – 02.25

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Bae’s parents stuck around till Wednesday to look after baby girl. They have a smattering of idiosyncrasies, but certainly far fewer than me, and I feel guilty for ever getting wound up by them because I know I’ve won the in-laws lottery. Can’t deny I was grateful to get our space back when they left though (even though it meant having to cook our meals and clean our dishes).

Uncle Rich came to hang out on Friday. He gave the little man a toy train track building masterclass and (after I pretty much strong armed him into it) had a bit of (long-overdue) quality time with baby girl. He wouldn’t have visited had he not been in town for work, but it was genuinely lovely to see him. I think he enjoyed himself too.

Caught up with Kika and Karl at King’s Cross before they set off on a last minute jaunt to Paris. Little man was in fine form. His wild energy earned him some impromptu applause from a group of passers by and it seemed like he got a taste for it.

Enjoyed seeing Scotland beat England in the rugby. Bae asked little man who he was going to support and he settled on shouting, ‘COME ON LONDON’, for the whole match. A diplomatic and hilarious response.

Everyone’s sleep continues to be an utter shitshow and trending to the bad somehow.


I spiked the effort required to upgrade our repo to use Prismic’s Slice Machine. I could feel some dust-sheeted corners of my brain crawling into action which was (at times) a reasonably pleasant experience. In conclusion I think it’s going to be a bit of a ball-ache and it’s not going to bring us much in terms of tangible benefits but we should probably do it so as not to get left behind.



My ephemeral dalliance with skipping reminded me that I’ve got a massively flakey right knee. Fortunately I don’t think I’ve done any (more) permanent damage. Going to stick to running and cycling only from now on.