11.27 – 12.03
Sun Dec 03 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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11.27 – 12.03

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I don’t know why I’m consistently surprised that I have to have to build everything that comes from IKEA, right down to the dolls house we got for the little man. Can’t deny that I kind of enjoy it though.

Scarlet fever seems to be tearing through the nurseries of north London. Little man appears to have avoided it so far, but him and baby girl have both been fairly poorly all week. I’m not convinced that they have to behave like such total pricks as a result, but perhaps I’m not being very fair. Suffice to say we could all do with having had a lot more sleep this week.

Baby girl has reminded me repeatedly that the quickest way to find the most dangerous thing in the vicinity is to put her on the floor and let go. She certainly likes to give Darwin a run for his money.

Looked around another couple of schools. It makes me want to cry a little bit.

Got a Christmas tree (christened ‘How’ by the little man) on Friday. Think it might be our best one yet. And, of course, a new weapon in baby girl’s danger arsenal, which she’s delighted about.

Little man’s got two advent calendars. Fair to say he doesn’t quite get it yet, but he’s invariably happy to get some chocolate.

Don’t want to get complacent, but I think I’ve put the dampeners on last week’s incipient bursitis. Could have been thanks to one or more of: thermals, thick socks, slippers, ibuprofen, or deep heat. Might have been none of those. Might not have actually put any dampeners on whatsoever and I’m just in denial. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

