10.23 – 10.29
Sun Oct 29 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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10.23 – 10.29

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  {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}


Why was the man in her hair?
Little man on hearing Nellie Forbush singing in South Pacific

We’ve just thrown a Halloween party for an assortment of sugar-crazed agents of chaos and almost everything else about the week has evaporated from my brain.

Little man loved dressing up as a (Peppa Pig) fairy and announced he never wants to wear anything else. Already looking forward to how that’s going to pan out before nursery tomorrow.

I’m mostly just happy we all survived without (too) too many tantrums.

Since visiting my old man’s grave the other weekend, little man has had a minor obsession with death that is often tricky to play. “Is grandpa Mac lost underground? How will he have breakfast?”

Spoke to an architect, but (as we slightly expected) he was quite upfront about the fact that he’s not going to be a good fit for what we’re after. The hunt goes on.

MacGyvered the stair-gate. Think it’s safe-ish?


Got rid of all the Google Universal Analytics code that has been lurking in the codebase doing nothing for a couple of months.

Started looking at what it would take to move our design system on to Storybook 7. Initial feeling is, quite a bit.

