10.02 – 10.08
Sun Oct 08 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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10.02 – 10.08

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Back to work after a month off. Nursery drop-off was worse than ever and I really missed Bae and our mad-as-all-heck children. Mostly just survived the week and tried to abide by the slightly random (but I think reasonable) set of new rules I came up with in my time off:

  1. Only eat one breakfast
  2. Don’t eat the little man’s leftovers
  3. Don’t look at your phone while eating
  4. Don’t look at your phone in bed
  5. Don’t look at social media outside work hours
  6. Listen to your thoughts more often than podcasts.

Which, I suppose, boils down to, eat less, put your phone away.

Got knocked off my bike cycling home from work on Tuesday in what felt like an unimaginative, physical manifestation of the metaphysical crashing-back-down-to-earth I was already enduring. It was fairly dramatic (I pretty much did a summersault) but I escaped with only minor grazes and a strong resolve to get a massage.

Bae’s little sis had another baby on Tuesday and we went up to Bev to meet it at the weekend. There’s no denying that he’s painfully cute, but no amount of hormones or cajoling is going to get me to want to go through that again. I think perhaps the more traumatic it is for you at the time, the greater your capacity for forgetting, so I feel like I have a duty of care to Bae to stop her from trying to get us to do anything even more stupid than we already have.

I downloaded Duolingo again to give learning a bit of Greek another shot. I have low expectations of how that will work out.

Number twos update

Baby girl can’t poo. Little man won’t poo.


Nobody else had announced they were going to be leaving in the time that I was away, thank piss. The office did seem pretty quiet though. I’m told the process for filling vacant positions is going well, and I’m going to stay hopeful.
