09.11 – 09.17
Sun Sep 17 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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09.11 – 09.17

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This was the week parental leave felt like it kicked in properly and I was finally disconnected from work.

We took a trip to Cumbrae on the ferry from Largs and made some high-end sandcastles on Millport beach. The Millport sweet shop (only place selling takeaway coffee) was faintly reminiscent of the butchers in The League of Gentleman, so I was relieved once we’d made it back to the mainland with our organs intact.

Next day we went down to Troon where Bae had been planning on going in the sea, but she was understandably discouraged by the countless jellyfish that lined the shore. We settled for more sandcastle building.

Little man put Bae’s uncle William through his paces that afternoon (non-stop good fun) then we got the train back to London the day after, thus concluding holiday #2.

Most of the rest of the week passed without incident. Then Saturday we entered cheese-dream anxiety levels to try and fix the buggy wheels before we take it to Crete tomorrow. One of the ball-bearing casings had rusted onto the rear axle and no amount of hammering and WD 40 could work it loose. Two local bicycle mechanics were precisely zero help. Several YouTubes and hardware/buggy-wheel purchases later we still had a buggy with a ball-bearing casing rusted onto the rear axle, but now we had a lot less money, and the bearing casing and rear axle both had chunks taken out of them from my power tooling efforts. And we had a new wheel that didn’t fit. Remarkably we got the knackered wheel back onto the now compromised axle and we’re just going to pray it doesn’t fall apart while we’re away. At least we now own a rotary multi tool kit for all that rotary multi tooling we’re always doing. And some safety specs to help me feel like I’m back in the chemistry lab at school.

One way of looking at baby girl’s sleep training is that she’s improving. Another (far more accurate) way is that we’re getting better at ignoring her screaming. Either way, we’ve had a bit more sleep which has been gratefully received.

Going on Big Holiday™ tomorrow. Going to try not to use my phone for anything other than navigation/comms(/blog).



  • Luro – interested in this, but not going to dig in till I’m back in the office
  • Sanity – I guess I’m disconnected enough from work that a subroutine in my brain decided to fill the vacuum by getting me to Google headless CMS options. This one looks to have come on a lot since I last looked

