07.03 – 07.09
Sun Jul 09 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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07.03 – 07.09

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We started the content modelling for some of the Visual Story work. I think we’re now getting in reasonable shape with this stuff (feel like I’ve said that before). I wasn’t exactly motoring along on account of the house move, but it felt good to tie up some loose ends before clocking off for a holiday.


Had Three broadband delivered to our old address like an idiot which meant I got to find out how hot my phone can get after a day of internet tethering (pf hot). Still, now it’s here, early indications are that it will deliver a decent level of service for £20 (and hopefully I won’t have to go grovelling back to Virgin Media).

We got the window fixed, locks changed, arranged for a mountain of the previous owner’s junk to be collected by the council, and tore up all the festering carpet (ranked among my more alpha-male accomplishments, and I had no idea carpet gripper was so lethal). Got a deep clean booked in, and we’re maybe starting to feel like we’re going to enjoy living in the flat at some point. Sending the invoice for the clean to the seller via our solicitors seems to have made her realise that we’re not taking the piss about how much of a state it was in and looks like she’s going to pay it.

Baby girl was awful almost every night. I don’t think we’ll have made a good impression with our new neighbours. Having been long-term victims of noise pollution I’m keen that we don’t become perpetrators, but we’re failing in that department so far.

I seem to spend the majority of the time telling the little man that he can’t do things. I can see it’s frustrating for him – as far as he’s concerned I’m just arbitrarily making up rules to stop him doing stuff he enjoys. But when I try to explain, for example, that he can’t jump indoors because our floor is the neighbours’ ceiling, he looks at me like I’m at best an alien, but more often than not, a total fucking idiot.

He’s had a bit of a regression at nursery drop-off (massive meltdowns on arrival every day), but on the whole I think he’s happy enough with his new home. He’s out of the cot and into his own little bed which he seems fairly chuffed about. And there’s plenty of space for his toys (downstairs neighbours presumably want to murder us even more when he tips all the Duplo out – sooner we get his room carpeted the better).

Bae went to see The Boss play a three hour set in Hyde Park on Thursday (a very long time to be listening to distinctly middle-of-the-Road tunes by my estimation). I’m very grateful Si came over to assist with the little man (a role that largely comprises rate-limiting pizza ingestion and watching endless Peppa Pig) while I desperately tried to get baby girl to take the bottle from me and go to sleep. We just about got away with it.

Sought refuge in Beverley at the end of the week. Got some rest, hung out with the in-laws, celebrated nephew’s 2nd birthday. Restorative.

Feeling a lot better health-wise. Still hocking up a fair amount of green, but think I’m mending. Primed and ready for the next nursery illness.



  • At 11:15 UTC each July 8, 99% of the world’s population is in daylight


Tuesday hills. Thursday big loop of Ally Pally. Saturday Beverley Parkrun (missed the start, slightly destroyed myself at the end to come in 8th). Sunday struggled around Beverley’s fields (and nettles). Highest weekly mileage in a while. Hoping my foot has improved a little.