06.19 – 06.25
Sun Jun 25 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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06.19 – 06.25

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I never quite got going this week. Illness and mental state didn’t help. I think at least we’ve got a pragmatic way forward for how we’re going to handle Visual Stories.


It never always gets worse
David “Horty” Horton

This quote from an ultra-runner has been rattling about in my head. I like it in its deceptive simplicity. I suppose it’s also a very back-handed way of tacitly admitting that things must occasionally get better, but the less upbeat framing appeals to the cynical pessimist in me (me). All of which is to say things have got on top of me a bit recently. And I’m trying to keep sight of the fact that it won’t be like this for ever.

Results from scan indicated that I’ve got scarring on my lung from chest infection, and I’ve previously fractured three ribs in that area which is probably why it hurts to cough. The good(?) news is (as I’ve long suspected) my poor posture is more than laziness alone – there is ‘evidence of Scheuermann’s in the mid to low thoracic spine’. Not sure what to do with any of this information. Not much I suspect.

Then I picked up another one of little man’s endless arsenal of manky bugs and it wiped me out midweek. I’m sure I used to have a more resilient immune system, but it’s currently threadbare. Baby girl got a horrible cough too. They said it couldn’t be done but she proved all the doubters wrong – turns out she could get even worse at sleeping.

Bae’s parents came to look after the kids on Friday while we started trying to pack boxes for next week’s house move. I wouldn’t say we’ve broken the back of it, but we put more than a dent in it at least. It’s definitely vindicated the decision we made to pay people to help us move. Really hoping we don’t have to move again for a while.

Discovered (after c. 2 years on a waiting list) I’ve got root canal scheduled for tomorrow morning. Glad it’s going to get done. Not overly excited at the prospect of it being done.


I was broadly happy with both of these. One of them even made it into the sketchbook.

Blue bic crosshatch sketch of most of a woman’s face Blue bic crosshatch sketch of most of a woman’s face
Meral K, off of the internet
Black fine-liner sketch of a man’s face Black fine-liner sketch of a man’s face
Bryan McCormick (no relation), off of the internet



Monday 8 x Mayfield hill “sprints”. Reader, last week’s hope was misguided – my running form has not turned a corner. Friday went for a (probably ill-advised) set of hills mostly to clear my head. Got a niggle back in my right foot which at least draws some attention away from how much everything else hurts. Longish (by current standards) loop of Hackney’s greatest hits on Sunday morning. Hot af.