05.29 – 06.04
Sun Jun 04 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

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05.29 – 06.04

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We started building Visual Story prototypes, initially knocking something together as quick as possible, then getting real with how it might all work hooked up to Prismic. Dave Rupert came up with a solid piece of design system thinking that I think we’d do well to abide by.

I had an excellent use-case for container queries. But Styled-components said no. It made me pine for the days of writing html, css, and js in… wait for it… .html, .css, and .js files.


We just about survived the bank holiday. It’s a bit sad that that’s how I feel about spending four days straight with my children, but hard to deny that getting back to work felt like a bit of a relief.

Booked a holiday that’s going to involve 10 days straight with my children. I’m sure bits of it will be wonderful. I’m equally sure bits of it will be horrific. Going to try not to dwell on it too much.

I drew a picture in the almost imperceptible gaps between very-long-weekend-meltdowns and I don’t hate it.

Black bic biro crosshatch drawing of a little boy’s face looking a bit cheeky. Set on a wooden A4 clipboard lying on a wooden table Black bic biro crosshatch drawing of a little boy’s face looking a bit cheeky. Set on a wooden A4 clipboard lying on a wooden table
Littleman. Bic on printer paper. 2023

Moved the little man on to reduced salt and sugar baked beans in an (admittedly very faint) attempt to do the right thing. But apparently they’re packed with stevia and it seems like that makes him go berserk. At least that’s my working theory – it’s entirely possible that he’s just entered a phase of going (more) berserk. Really hoping it’s the beans.

We exchanged contracts for the sale and purchase of a flat. Holy shit. I don’t think I ever really thought it was going to happen. I think I’m happy about it. I wonder what the new neighbours are going to be like. And just how much of a money pit it will turn out to be. Almost certainly a bottomless one.

Sleep is a distant memory.

This site




My weekly trip to the GP indicated I’ve still got a chest infection and I’m now getting lined up for a CT scan. At this point I should probably swap out ‘Running’ for ‘Health woes’. Still, I managed a run around Finsbury Park on Saturday afternoon. Suffice to say I felt pretty rubbish. One run after four weeks off has given me a keen sense of why non-runners aren’t always massively keen to take it up as a hobby.