04.17 – 04.23
Sun Apr 23 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

{{ title }}
04.17 – 04.23

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  {{ tag }}
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I’d normally have felt more existential dread about a morning in departmental communication training but that was largely staved off by exhaustion (so it’s not all bad). I tried to keep an open mind, but I’m not sure what I got out of it. I’m guilty of thinking I need tangible outputs (and more than just having learned a new acronym) for something to have been worthwhile, when maybe living through the process is where the worth is. The cynic in me (i.e. me) struggles to see beyond the expense (but then it’s not my money and money’s made up anyhow). I did at least meet some colleagues I hadn’t encountered before and had some interesting conversations.

Screenshot of a commit message reading, ‘No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there’s no margin’ Screenshot of a commit message reading, ‘No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there’s no margin’
Commit of the week


Baby girl will be 12 weeks tomorrow – the literature suggests this is the time by which colic will have abated. Baby girl is all set to be sticking two fingers to the literature.

Little man went down to three days at nursery. I’m now under strict instruction never to be late home on Wednesdays.

We all got a manky cough. Or perhaps we all finally got the manky cough the little man has had for the past year. I hope we’ve all stopped having it by April 2024.

Everything’s taking its toll. We’re through the Blitz Spirit phase and firmly into the will-this-ever-fucking-end phase.

On the plus side the weather feels like it might be trying to turn and the smell of freshly cut grass in Highgate Cemetery and Clissold Park gave me a glimmer of hope.

Family Big Day Out to Tate Modern for the Yayoi Kusama exhibition on Friday. Baby girl loved it. Little man was (understandably) a bit overwhelmed.

A dimly-lit room in which silhouetted people can be seen on a walkway made of mirrored tiles. The walls and ceiling of the room are also mirrored, and the floor surrounding the walkway is covered with a shallow pool of water. Hanging from the ceiling are hundreds of small, round, coloured LED lights. A dimly-lit room in which silhouetted people can be seen on a walkway made of mirrored tiles. The walls and ceiling of the room are also mirrored, and the floor surrounding the walkway is covered with a shallow pool of water. Hanging from the ceiling are hundreds of small, round, coloured LED lights.
Infinity Mirrored Room – Filled with the Brilliance of Life – Yayoi Kusama, 2011. “Fit. Would go well with some pounding techno.” – DMC

And we went to see our pals Niamh and Donald both go very fast at the London Marathon on Sunday. Only felt slightly jealous that I wasn’t running it and won’t be running anything close to it for some time.

This site

I added the highlight (<mark>) style to post dates (the only colour option within the almost laughably stringent design system I’ve appropriated).

I also wrote a post about an idea I had in CSS. Temani Afif pointed me to a Stack Overflow post with various other (probably better) ways to get the the same end, but as far as I can tell I might have had an original idea, which could well be a first.

I’ll be happier when text-wrap: balance has better browser support and post titles look a bit more typographically considered.





Tuesday marshes (the elusive smell is strong around here). Thursday 2.5 times up Swain’s Lane. Saturday hills.