02.13 – 02.19
Sun Feb 19 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • note

{{ title }}
02.13 – 02.19

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{% for tag in tags %}
  {{ tag }}
{% endfor %}


I got a blisteringly fast new machine at work and I'm wondering how I lasted so long without it, not least because it doesn’t make my legs alarmingly hot when I have more than two tabs open in Chrome. I got my dotfiles, fonts, keyboard shortcuts, and Alfred preferences copied across and now I'm sucking diesel. It's great, but it's robbed me of a good excuse for why I'm not being more productive.

I started to learn about GA4 and Tag manager after several years of passive resistance. Seems like it’s probably going to be fine.


We’ve had an offer accepted on a flat. It’s a lot more than we initially offered or can really afford, but I’m taking as much comfort as I can from the fact that apparently it wasn’t the highest offer and the seller liked the idea of selling to us. Of course, that’s according to the estate agent, so there’s the distinct possibility it’s not even remotely true. More likely is that we’ve been played for total mugs. The flat needs a lot of work, but it has enough space to harbour the four of us for a long time, so hopefully we’ll be able to make it our own. This is of course contingent on us ever having any money again – not currently a given.

Wednesday night was the worst in recent memory for lack of sleep (although my memory is quite bad owing to cumulative sleep-deprivation, so perhaps it’s a meaningless statistic). I don't think there was more than 15 minutes when one of the weans wasn't awake. And when they were awake, they mostly wanted us to know about it through the medium of screaming and shitting themselves. Baby girl has a cold, a manky eye, and is less than three weeks old so gets a pass. I guess the little man is a bit jealous and doesn’t want to be missing out. It would be nice if he could find a way to cut us a little bit of slack though.

I made an app.

Screenshot of an app for tracking breast milk feeds with inset app icon comprising three circles of different diameters, loosely resembling a boob Screenshot of an app for tracking breast milk feeds with inset app icon comprising three circles of different diameters, loosely resembling a boob
Genuinely might be the most useful output from my 10+ years in web development.



A very lacklustre off-watch set of hills on Thursday. Didn’t think I’d manage but I got tangentially involved in a mugging quite early on which gave me a bit of adrenaline. Come to think of it, the mugging happened at the end of the street on which we’re going to be moving – good omen? Also had very leisurely and enjoyable trot around the marshes in the sun on Sunday.